Author Topic: Books  (Read 127916 times)

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Re: Books
« Reply #256 on: August 11, 2024, 12:30:23 PM »
Sad news

Re: Books
« Reply #255 on: August 10, 2024, 04:20:29 PM »

  Fist of all hope you guys have a great time in Germany. I have been under the weather but coming back . i came close to being on the other side of the grass. I had a reaction to Antibiotics in my Digestive system.  Now much to talk about books  Osprey has released the new titles of Man At Arms Series for 2025  1. Central European Wars 1918-21 #563 2.Partisan Warfare in Greece 194-45 #562 3. German Troops in the American Revolution Vol 2 #643  at last
4. Ground forces in the Korean War Vol 2 US Army & Marines #561  Elite Series  1. The Goths 200-700 2. The War Under ground 1914-1918  Hay when you are at the show in Germany would you look for a set of Flats depicting the French Legion in Tonkin Indo China in the 1880 and get the address so I can order then Thanks

Re: Books
« Reply #254 on: August 10, 2024, 03:16:15 PM »

 Hi all I have some sad news  The Author Rene Chartrand from Quebec Canada has passed away . He will be messed in the publishing world. Willie


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Re: Books
« Reply #253 on: June 08, 2024, 08:52:09 AM »
Hey Willie,
Youtube has a video:


Re: Books
« Reply #252 on: June 07, 2024, 09:55:32 AM »

   One of the Books I am looking forward to having is Elephants and Gunpowder from Helion and Company By Stephen Turnbull  Since I have worked with these animals in my life . I can say one thing Elephants can run :o  and love to open Carwashes in Calif ;D . Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #251 on: May 21, 2024, 03:35:02 PM »

    Well have been working on some Elephants and Just got  Against Deluge Polish and Lithuanian  Armies  1655-1660 form Helion and Company My next one will be The Army of the Manchu Empire 1600-1727 , Of Kerns and Gallowglasses the Irish Armies 16th Century , French Armies of the Thirty years War.  At the present time I have a back order of there books so if you go to there page and type in Armies or Uniforms you can see what's coming. The other day a friend of mine asked me why I buy these types of books and I said I used them to paint with :o  both Paper and Hard Back.  I would say most of us do that and add on how to mix colors. So let me Know what you think. Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #250 on: April 18, 2024, 12:37:16 PM »
Recommend as well.  Picked up a copy at the French National Army Museum gift shop.


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Re: Books
« Reply #248 on: April 17, 2024, 12:35:17 PM »
Thank you for list, just wanted to be sure have not missed any new FPW titles.

Re: Books
« Reply #247 on: April 17, 2024, 11:21:35 AM »

   John.  First Osprey has a history of the Franco  German War the historical side of the War. As for Uniforms Osprey Men at Arms has German and French Armies  Next would be the two printed by Helion & Company  Saarbruck to Sedan the Imperial Phase of the war ,The Republic Fights Back the Republic Phase of the War. These are two new books with lots of Information on both Armies . If you have deep pockets then Verlag Militaria  For older stuff try Tradition Magazine the Fucken Series on Armies of the 19th century.  Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #246 on: April 15, 2024, 12:35:07 PM »
What specifically are the two volumes on the Franco Prussian War 1870-71?  Is that an Osprey reference?


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Re: Books
« Reply #245 on: April 15, 2024, 12:31:35 PM »
Hi Willie,
I hope you are better by now!
Thank you for the news about the literature!!!

Re: Books
« Reply #244 on: April 15, 2024, 10:30:16 AM »

    Ok its been slow and I have been busy with medical things and that pain in the butt inflation. So I now have Wars and Soldiers in the Early Reign of Louis
     XIV Volume 7 Vol 1 It covers the German States . Next well be Volume 7 Vol 2 the German states. Then in the Fall number 8 well be out. Covering the Sweden Denmark Norway. Willie  8)

Re: Books
« Reply #243 on: March 15, 2024, 07:57:56 PM »

    Well today one book that I had wanted for a very long time came The Men of Warre  The clothes, Weapons, and  Accoutrements of the Scots at War1460-1600 By Jenn Scott . Not a big book page wise ,but still lots of information on the subject. It covers from 15th century to 17th century. Also two volumes on the French and German War 1870-71. Lots of uniforms and information on that war. Willie

Re: Books
« Reply #242 on: March 12, 2024, 01:41:24 PM »

 Well I now have Armies and Wars of the French East India Companies 16641-1770  by Rene Chartrand  . it is outstand lots of color plates of India, Africa and the Far East and Louisiana.  The history of the Company is covered in detail . I know that  they make Indian Sepoy figures. Willie