Author Topic: A note for Gallery Posters  (Read 20528 times)

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Re: A note for Gallery Posters
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2013, 05:07:52 PM »
This has come to fruition as another interesting feature for us to take advantage of going forwards.

In the Gallery section you will now notice a new Tag Cloud shown

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There are a number of entries shown there such as Tudor, Western Miniatures and Ancient Egypt.  Entries with a larger font face are used more times than the smaller.  If you click on Western Miniatures you will see [ Guests cannot view attachments ] which includes a number of Western Miniatures figures.

Ok, so how do I add tags you ask?  Well it is simple.  In the dialog where you load gallery pictures you will notice a box labeled Keywords. [ Guests cannot view attachments ]  

Simply include the text separated by a comma and they will show up.  Please be carful - case does not matter but, spelling DOES!

Logical choices are Manufacturer and Time Period.

This will only work, unfortunately, in the Gallery section but, eventually will be quite handy if you are looking for a painted example of Ancient Egypt or one of Detlef Belaschk's Tiffany figures.  You can do keyword searches but, you must be in the gallery when you are searching.

Let me know what you think and please try to add at least the Manufacturer to your picts.

Mark   8)

« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 02:11:16 PM by Marko92 »
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Re: A note for Gallery Posters
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 12:11:22 PM »
An excellent plan! Might I add scale/size to the mix...



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A note for Gallery Posters
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 12:02:19 PM »
Just an ask for those kind souls who post photos in the Gallery as well as in the Forums on the Site - could you try to remember to put the maker in your post or the keywords as well as something relevant as far as subject?

For example if they are German soldiers from the Franco Prussian war by Cortum you might enter Cortum and 1870 under key words.

I am hoping to utilize this info for something I am working on that will allow folks to identify photos and manufacturers more effectively.  Not to mention knowing the manufacturer is also very handy info to have regardless.


Admin Mark  8)

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