Hi friends !!
Thanks for your sign of life, I was scared of your silence!!!
But Joerg, I have the same disease, I started several tasks since two years, not finishing anyone too. Today at the dawn of 2025, I have no more flats finished for competitions in 2025, so the pressure is there.
Let's us all publish some of our WIP'sto re-activate the site, visited by many other people, but who might not come back is we are all absent.
Angelo, sorry to hear your health issue and let me wish you before 31 of December a restoration of your energy in your passion .. I am close to publish your detailed pictures of Kulmbach this week and next week .... We are hungry for more next year, you last posted on Facebook is outstanding !!!!!
Thanks for your responses, let's go on further and attract more passionnates! Christmas holidays are releasing time for painting for those who are still on a job, and should wake up the retired fellows spending more of theur time to internat than with their brushes and paints....