Author Topic: Mohr figure or not?  (Read 1136 times)

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Re: Mohr figure or not?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2024, 05:29:41 AM »
As Peter U explained on FB:
Mohr engraved the group for Scholtz.
There is no such group from the hands of Mohr with WIMOR on the base.
What you got is a (rather) poorly done pirate-copy-
It is ironic, that you got it from the Scholtz fleemarket.  ;)
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Re: Mohr figure or not?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2024, 04:51:28 AM »
This is Faust, Mephistopheles and Goethe taking a bow, finale to Mohr's Faust series.
There is a similar figure available from Scholtz.
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Mohr figure or not?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2024, 04:11:47 AM »
I’ve recently bought on Berliner Zinnfiguren Flea Market a painted figure (indeed poor painting)…my curiosity was attracted form the figure because it looks similar to a well note Mohr figure).
When arrived i’ve notice something more on the base and decided to stripping away the existing paint cover.
The result was a FKM sign and a Wimor word…Now what is this figure??? Anyone knows more infos?
