Author Topic: A gift to the Society  (Read 3357 times)

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Re: A gift to the Society
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2023, 11:45:23 AM »
Sounds effective, please post a photo if possible.


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Re: A gift to the Society
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2023, 07:15:05 AM »
"It seems to work, but the only downside would be the shock of an unsuspecting viewer studying the figures from one side, and finding Brian looking through from the other."

 ;D ;D ;D


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Re: A gift to the Society
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 04:10:18 AM »
I don't think it can be done otherwise; seems like a good idea to me. I'd like to see the painted flats if possible.... ;)
"on paints first with the brain, rather than with the brushes..."

Ed Humphreys

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A gift to the Society
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2023, 03:36:05 PM »
Many years ago, a now-deceased member donated an old set of figures to the Society. They were Heinrichsen's Funeral of Marshall Joffre, in the original factory paint. They have been in a box in my attic for twenty five years, so I thought they should be put on display, perhaps as an educational aid in shows.
Recent talk of displaying figures painted on both sides set me to thinking. I had made two identical frames, with glass and mounts, and set them back-to-back, with a 50mm strip of wood to keep them apart. Inside, I placed three narrow shelves from side to side, all painted black. The figures are all mounted on these, and both sides are visible.
It seems to work, but the only downside would be the shock of an unsuspecting viewer studying the figures from one side, and finding Brian looking through from the other. If anyone has any suggestions for modifications, please let me know.

Ed H