To Redman:
I don't see a copyright issue in having a person , or a group of persons, like a Club, or Forum, collecting lists of pictures, names, editors over time and making it available to their own members registered.
I have some 28,000 pictures of painted flats on my PC, many have been loaded in the galleries, as contsts shows, or selling objects on ebay, public sites. If we collect informatons from pub lic sites such as ebay, pictures during visits, museam and consolidate them in lists, including pictures, ... or publish a book like Rich Sandfers did with menz, where would the violation of copyright be? s we even don't make money or business wizth pupose to enrich ourselves with it?
We keep in most case track of the source and can give it, check information, correct if mistakes are detected.
I fnd the idea excellent, and I was since two days indeed excellent the idea of opening a gallery structured in smaller subcatégories for Mohr, as it could be done for others, where data, pictures can be loaded under coordination of one of us for consistency, size, lay-out. What should be defined as I do with my pictires of the shows, is a liste of data to be listed and completed as much as possible such as Title, serie name, serie code (if applicable such as the wimor ...), editor initial, current, engravor, drawing by, soiurce information (painting, batlle, ;;
, if known list of single pice identifiaction, oerhps on the picture itesel (the way I do on my computer, in a power point file, by period, or size, or editor, ...), and any painted versions, as Rick T? did in his book, then source of the data or picture as link or name, .....
The tables in the book of Rick is a very precious reference, the pictures unpainted and painted also, of course explanations give life.
Such work would be the premise to the future writing of a book, and why could -we not compensate the gap of the ditirs, because too much dispersed, or changing, or almost definitively enlained into a museum?
A good discussion for the comittee of this group, and some volunteers to manage such base
I start loading meny pictures from the selling EBAy site of the collection of Hanno XXX (but not exclusively of), into several historical periods, that even within, I feel also the need to further subdivide by .. sub-period, country, significant subject (like WWII, 30 years war, ...), altough other means are mossible such as use of key words to restrict the searching, in the existing fiels, most often not used. I can perhaps further review and use this field to load countries and significant wars, or periods..
Here as Mohr is the focus, editirs should be listed, perhaps with question mark, or certainty, or a date where loaded (for further upodating), or not known, for further update too.
You can also use many pictures from this Hanno Schmuck collection of Mohr, to move them there too. I was not aware when loading of the engravor, but I can update if useful, when aware as periodic cleaning and upodeate , as I do with shows, when the painting description or painter name is discovred later when it was loadede with a (unknown), or question.
I used the conventions
" name " as validated name
(name) is the name assigned by the editor
and no sign at all is a approximate description given my myself to identify.
I did invert between no sign and "xxx" as for all other description loaded from other perons, I have no certainty whethere they assigned as approximate name, their own work totle, or a copy from the editor or translation.
But I do attempt also to give the editor's name between 'xxx' in the comments so that search func tion can also capture the picture for various interpretations of painters , with othr persnnal names assigned !!