Many questions, and you will (§I hope) receive mor diversified replies.
As far as I am concerned, I started with acrylics.. on figurines, then moved to oil and remained on flats.
1) I regret the use of acrylics, because oil is boring long to dry, endless and contrast and tones change days after painting,6 0while you have a net result with acryl quiet immediately !!
2) I am a 'dry painter', not wet on wet and for that reason : I paint 1/2 to one hour, let dray oernight , sometimes more (like for glazes) several days, before continuing. As result, a painting on flat takes 1à to 25 hours over 10 days to several weeks...
3) I mix paintings and colours, sometimes not, and avoid adding oil to the mix (drying issue), but instead use nothing, or turpentine (in Turkey) or white spirit (in Belgium). Now I use also liquin for metal to give more contrast and a shiny finish. Use of turpentine gives me matte finish.
4) My favourite brushes are Winson & Newton, altough I feel quality has ddegradaded during the pst year (point less perfect, hair less resistant); I am also looking for very fine brushes and points for detals on 30mm (few hair) ? Can somebody help me to find a source??
5) In acrylics, I prefered the pots (Games Worskshops or pots (Spanish or Italian) with pointed outlet to the tubes, not so handy to use, dilute ... But They use stupid names, instead of the colours used in oil field ...
6) I was initially using little mixing (acrylics), but producers love selling you millions containers (good marketing and naive, lazy buyers), to sell you more and mor. Oil teached me to make my own mixes, and learn from mixing how to paint a colour with few, 2and I would do so if I would return to acrylics too.
Actually I'm buying some acrylics for undercoating, 2with names similar to oil (TOB, Burned easrth, Cadmium red, ...) with several brands, very useful when using both paintings... and less 'farfelu'
.. In short to stimulate discussion and exchange ....