Got mine from Brian when he and Nick came to visit us at Salute on Saturday

Brian made me open the envelope there and then to see what I had got and they are;
CS38 Confederate infantry man marching, port arms.
CS51 Confederate officer in kepi advancing with pistol.
Having had a bit of a chat with Brian and Nick I have decided to paint both sides of the figures but do a different unit for each side.
Favourites so far are;
The officer; 1st US Sharpshooters (all green) & NY Zouaves (blue coat, red Kepi and trousers)
The Infantryman; probably Confederate state infantry (generic cadet grey & coloured facings) and 79th New York regt (blue jacket & tartan trousers).
I'll get some pictures up when I start.
I have loads of ACW |Uniform reference books as it is one of my areas of interest so if you need any ideas or inspiration please feel free to get in touch.