Yes indeed, expensive as flat, probably flats are also in Europe too cheap against round figures too !!!
Remember that the cost of engraving is high and must be spread over a rathr smll amount of flat pièces .. I presume that in Mexico, Diogenes is not one of their favorite heroes !!!!
I also noticed that engraving has some gaps, but like miniatures and some flats in epoy resin here freedom is given to the painter, instead of helping the painter to remove and degree of freedom, as our children had too when colouring their figures books !!!!
Some vintage painters and judges here in Europe do not accept superfcial engravings of some époxy flats, perhaps because their have too much difficulties to find ther way to paint them; actually more power is actually given to them to initiative, interpretaton and drawing capability !! and should deserve a better rating therefor like those using freehand motives !!
(and best argument also is for these conservative painters, if engraving is not good, the first thing they do is to erase it and paint themselves the détails (such as heraldic, flowers, détails, old age on faces, ....)... or not paint such flat at all. In ronde-bosse, it is also called 'conversion, transformation' ....