Author Topic: Rezonville 1870  (Read 2695 times)

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Re: Rezonville 1870
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2017, 10:09:52 AM »
Andrew I am interested in the figures, particularly the French staff.  I sent you a message.

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Rezonville 1870
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2017, 04:07:43 AM »
Dear All,
I have just discovered quite a large box of 1870 figures, figures are by Frank (for Scheibert), Lecke (for Hafer) and by Frauendorf (for himself?) mostly all figures come from Rizonville panorama by Eduard Detaille, but even when not they all fit quite very well!
We have in box two French Staffs with mounted guard escort and French foot guard.
I have so many other figures to paint so with no regret I wish to sell these figures for most unreasonable and high price  :)
If anyone interested please write me and I shall provide pictures by e mail.
With all the most very best,