Funny you should mention the Polish Hussar.
In the middle of last Month, I had one of those moments where it just didnt look right to me.I had whitened the feathers and then decided the armour was awful, the horse was the wrong colour, and had a complete meltdown!!!!

so I put it under cover so it wouldnt get dusty and put it in a draw.
After doing more fairies (see workbench-- fairyboy's at it again!!!) I decided I really must finish the Hussar, SO after a stiff drink

I got it out.
After so long it was like I didnt recognise it as my own work, ( perhaps it was the drink

) and I now think it doesn't look too bad

so tomorrow, I'm back on it.
I think in future this is the way to go, if it dont look right, go onto something completely different and come back to it with fresh eyes ( and mind)
I will start posting it again in the Workbench section, along with my other efforts