Hello Serhan,
Very productive ... but you may loose some détails and quaity.
I will not buy tis one in its state.
Th portrait of the girl painted is absolutely beautiful !!!
But your sculpture has at this stage some weaknesses, I think.
- The hair down the face should not be sculpted as you did, they look too stiff, straight, and the beauty of the girl are her hair!! nicely curved; perhaps scupt the global shape a mass curved, painter will have to paint the détails himself
- The mouth looks asymetrical or shorton her right, and perhaps not horiontal (maybe impresion)
- The "shesh" is curved up to the top but you extended it back to the cylindrical haton the back (I think)
- The left eye skin extends too much towards the ear
- The eyebrow extends also too far and is not shaped as on the painting, quiet beautiful; perhaps no engraving, the painter will fo like women: paint it to the wished shape; only give the shape of the bone behind, not the hair
- The engraving between the eyebrow and the eye itself should not be sculpted, it is too strong, perhaps OK for man, but superceed the delicay of a woman's face, again up to the painter to paint the appropriate shadows (I would erase all if I had the flat)
- The nose, I think is not perfectly straight, but curved to the right (viewer). Hard to adjust with painting...
- The hat on the top is too curved at its two anles; it should look more as a cylinder with a flat cover
I would not mark so deeply the sewing of the right shoulder on the cloth; perhaps more ample and wider in reality, a very thin suggested line would be enough (except the folds in the center, OK. Also it could be disturbed by motives selected to be painted on the tissue. only suggest the roundness of the arm without marking.
Sorry for these comments, perhaps you did not finish the sculpting ad engraving yet ....
Also my language, I slept 3 hours last night and it is late here...
(note I would have loved to paint the entire body = her overall positioning is really nice !!!, but not to a scale of 250mm!!!, but 75 or 90mm (from eyeball to foot).