A little moulds story
Every collector is looking for rare things and finding after a long search for item is always a great joy
Here is a small story
During the years 1934-1940, a French Collector, mr Paul Armont (1), issued a set of 30mm flats showing a tournament between knights of the Golden Fleece , a well known order created by Philippe le Bon, duke of Burgundy in January 1430 The figures were designed by Lucien Rousselot and engraved by Otto Thieme and Sixtus Maïer
This set has been painted several times by Vladimir Douchkine and a complete original set can be seen in the Paul Martin’s book : “Le monde merveilleux des soldats de plomb” (c.1960)
There are also some nice pictures in the Alexander Baden’s book
Paul Armont died in 1943 and the moulds he owned were sold in an auction in Paris; among the 28 forms of the set, eight were bought by mr Neckel who sold them to Sixtus Maïer; the 20 others disappeared
The actual set available from Maïer contains the eight original figures and the other ones have been redesigned by Hors Becker and Heinz Denk and reengraved by Hans Waltz, but unfortunately, the quality is not at the level of the originals
Mr Maïer later added 15 figures, rather well engraved by mr Rieger
So, during the last 70 years, except the eight remaining figures, the original set was lost
But, nowadays, there is something called “Internet” and a lot of auction websites on it, which I regularly look at
And on the 3
rd of March I had the chance to buy four of the original moulds on the French EBay; three are for one figure, one is for two figures
The figures I have are : P55, Duke of Burgundy, P53, Guillaume of Vienne, P52, Duke of Berg, P69, Judge of Tournament, P70 , Trumpeter
As I think this could interest many collectors friends, I ask the AFCFEF (afcfef.fr) to take care of the moulds and to issue the figures which will be soon available via their website
I just hope some of you will be happy to have the opportunity to get these rare figures
( Thanks to Jan Sennebo and Alexander Baden for the informations they gave me)
(1): about Paul Armont look at :
http://www.flats-zinnfiguren.com/Armont/ I join : A picture of the set in the Paul Martin’s book
Pictures of the forms
Pictures of the figures side by side with the reengraved ones