Author Topic: Disaster !!! help required  (Read 6825 times)

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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2015, 05:16:23 AM »
Looks very good Nick well done.


Nicholas Ball

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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2015, 03:58:20 AM »
Easy Peasy, my Ar*e  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Stuck a small piece of card cut to shape on the back. I then split this in half as it was too thick. As you can see from photo 1, the casting is quite deep.

I then put on a thin layer of liquid putty to bind it all together ( Mr Hobby fine surfacer )

I couldn't find milliput but did find some old Greenstuff from War Hammer.  This is more like a rubberised putty and I put this ' into the hole' and tried to shape it. I probably used a bit too much hardener, as it wasn't that easy to shape  :-[  Green bit in photo.

I then built up the edges with brushed on Mr.Hobby until it looked half decent ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D   a very small bit of sanding and some paint.
At this point I found there to be a small hard lump near the bottom of his coat, so I cut it out and filled again with Surfacer.  Not the best job, but once I have painted in folds it should disguise it  ;)    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

well that's another fine mess I got out of---just!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2015, 11:26:50 AM »
Easy peasy...

Back the area with .010" plastic sheet or some manila envelope material of (near) the same thickness using super glue or a thin smear of epoxy.

Use blue painters tape to mask around the area and protect the surrounding primered/painted areas.

Mix up some fine grain two-part putty - green stuff/kneadatite, Aves, or Milliput and let it set for about 15 minutes or so.

Keep the piece flat on the table and lay a thin layer of putty into the area, onto, and over the edges and sculpt in the necessary details - folds, creases, etc. Use water to keep the putty from sticking to the tools (I assume you have some sculpting tools?).

Use a flat wet paint brush to further smooth the putty. Be careful not to drag fingers, tools, or beer glasses through the wet putty.

Allow to set up until hard. Placing the piece under a hot light bulb will speed the curing process.

Once the putty is fully cured, you can use fine sandpaper to further smooth any raised imperfections. Clean out any sanding residue, then brush primer onto the repaired surface; this will fill in any pinholes or other sunken imperfections. Allow to dry.

Use very fine sandpaper to further smooth the area. The idea is remove any remaining sanding scratches, paint grains, or other imperfections. Clean out the sanding residue. Much like working on a car body...


Less putty and paint curing time, 15 minutes tops.

Post a pic when you're done!


Nicholas Ball

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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2015, 10:38:17 AM »
Michael - buy new !!!  go and wash your mouth out with soap!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D   I'm not giving up that easily, shortly maybe!! ;D ;D ;D

Actually I brought this individual figure last year in Luneville, it cost me all of € 2 :o as the flag was broken!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D   I do have the full set which I obtained this year. The Gondala in that set is cast complete but the casting is not as good :(

I will definitely put a backing on and use some form of magic sculpt to try to fix it.

Await photo's, this could be a bit of a laugh!!! as I have never had to do this before.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Thank you everyone for all the advice, I will try not to let you down ;D


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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2015, 07:12:42 AM »
Hello Nick,

sometimes it´s easier to buy a new figure ....

Look at the SBS on our homepage, too. There is a SBS with repairing flats.

Best regards



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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2015, 06:35:11 AM »
Just two more remarks:
1. I thought that the figure is two sided - in case if it is one sided only, then the reparation seems to be much easier.
2. I think the Milliput or any similar material is far too coarse for a 30 mm figure. That is why I think several coats of finely aligned primer is better


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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2015, 06:29:10 AM »

Hi, Nicholas,I think the most difficult part of the reparation is to smooth the new surface-part to the rest - I mean to make a seamless transition between the parts.
If I were you I would use a possibly most fitting, thin metal-part and glue it to place using cyanoacrylate adhesive. The less glue is used is the better.
Having the part in place you could build up the thickness and creating the texture using primer and fine brush.
But I am afraid you can not spare some burnishing on the facing line using some emery papers of very fine grade.
In this step the neighboring parts could be masked by tape.
Thereafter the affected area could be primed again.
Of course to execute the operation might be more difficult than to write about it.
Anyway the figure is very nice, so it is worthwhile to put all the needed efforts into the recovery.
Good luck and waiting your report about the outcome.
Best regards-


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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2015, 06:28:32 AM »
Get a guide of the shape with a paper templateTthis shouldnt disturb painted areas.then with magi scupt or miliput create the shape.The key is to leave the putty for about half an hour it is still plyable and can bestill stuck to the figure.I assume you are only painting one side so you can push putty onto the cast area.Then spit or wet putty to achieve a smooth surface.


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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2015, 05:28:31 AM »
hi nicholas: very nice start !!!  :)  if I can help - you cold use duro green stuff and a little patience with toothpick  ;)advantage of duro is that you can do it in one step and you do not need to use sanding paper or other tools wich could damage anything else. maybe is good to glue some small thin plastic slab behind this V shape and than to add the duro.


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Re: Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2015, 04:41:54 AM »
I think the only way is to glue a little sheet of metal of the same shape of the missing detail on the back of the figure then building up the detail with milliput or similar putty.

Nicholas Ball

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Disaster !!! help required
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2015, 03:48:51 AM »
Hi All,

Well I started to paint one of my favourite figures, a Gondola from the Night in Venice set.

After working on the steersman and the Monkey, I went to start work on the cloak that the Monkey is holding onto, and found that the lower corner of the guys cloak and jacket have not been cast!! :(     There's an odd V shape???

How is the best way to build up the missing detail, bearing in mind, I don't want to put my grubby finger's all over the painted area's!!!

Thanks       Nicholas