Hi Angela, thanks for introducing yourself here, and congratulations on your medal at Kulmbach
I asked one of my other members who you where, so not a problem. Thank you for interpreting between Vladimir and I, it was extremely helpful.
Just to let you know, when I last saw Mike, he gave me Brian and I some of his drawings. 3 weeks ago I sent them to Vladimir and he confirmed on Friday evening he has at last received them. He has also told me he will be engraving them, so these will be the last Mike Taylor designs.
They are extremely nice, but I am sure Vladimir will let you know more.
Have been having a de-constructive weekend!!! painting a bust of a young gypsy woman, one of Julia Kehle's figures, and just about had it right, then noticed the neck was wrong, so I tried to correct it, but I couldn't match the colour!!

THEN the paint came away and showed the White primer underneath it.

So I cleaned it all off and put it in the corner.
Next up, a bust of Christ, by Andreas Trost. I had put on his first basic skin tone yesterday and was starting the shading and highlights, would you believe it??? the paint came off this one too!!

I used a Tamiya spray primer for both of these, so I think I will revert back to my basic White car primer from Holts.
I was going to make some frames, but with my luck today I will either burn myself with the glue gun, or cut my finger off with the saw- so I'm now going into the garden with some BIG shears to cut the bushes!!
