Author Topic: European Union will bann Tin figures  (Read 15665 times)

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #69 on: November 24, 2015, 02:25:39 PM »
Don't they have something else to deal with ? >:(  >:( >:(

Nicholas Ball

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #68 on: November 24, 2015, 01:41:25 PM »
Hi All

It is now November, and so I have chased up Sotirios today and I have had  the following reply.

All I can say is that discussions on the lead guidelines are continuing with the commission and Member States ( including the exemption on figures ) Finalisation of the guideline is expected
in the 1st quarter of 2016.

sounds hopeful, but doesn't mention though, if they are interacting / or need to be, with the likes of Klio and major Manufacturers/ Editors.

Will keep you posted.


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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #67 on: June 24, 2015, 03:53:35 PM »
Thanks for this follow-up!!
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #66 on: June 24, 2015, 05:07:01 AM »
Current News:

EU-representative Jens Geier asked the Commission, how they want to protect the "Zinnfigur"
(Not yet on the EU-Parliament website)

Liquorice, sire, is not the least important of our benefits out of the dark heart of Arabia.


Nicholas Ball

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2015, 01:56:25 PM »
I sent an E.mail to ECHA this afternoon, trying to find out any decisions.

I have had a reply back from Sotirios and due to the amount of submitted comments they have
agreed with the commission colleagues that they need more time to reflect and assess the provided information.
Therefore an updated guideline will be discussed with Member States in November, rather than June.

I will keep you posted, but we may be required to make further clarifications during the coming months.

Not much else we can do at present, but I do believe the Scientific Officers understand our concerns and will help us to resolve the issue to all our benefits



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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #64 on: May 30, 2015, 02:39:41 PM »
To the expert visiting Kulmbach, one should offer him a book of Mike Taylor on the ARt of fkat figures paintings...
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #63 on: May 27, 2015, 02:17:42 PM »
On the forum  FIGURE MAD FORUM  today =

disussions also; here is one of the ontacts:
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                            Re: Entwurf einer EU-Richtlnie zum Verbot von (u.a.) Zinnfiguren                            « Antwort #58 am: Heute um 06:52:41 Nachmittag »Hallo zusammen,
Habe heute von Seiten der Organisation des Herzog von Bayern folgenden Brief an die ECHA geschickt. Ich hoffe es hilft.

Liebe Grüße aus Ingolstadt


Draft guideline on the scope of the upcoming amendment of Entry 63 of     
Annex XVII to REACH on: Lead and its compounds in articles supplied to the general public
that can be mouthed by children.

Name:                                Lead and its compounds
EC Number:                       231-100-4
CAS Number:                    7439-92-1

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

als Vorsitzender des Fördervereins Künstler und Figur, Kulturhistorische Zinnfiguren Ingolstadt e.V. möchte ich hiermit zum geplanten Verbot des Handels und der Herstellung von Zinnfiguren im Zuge der oben genannten Richtlinienentwurfs Stellung beziehen.
Nicht nur die Hersteller und Händler sind von dem Verbot massiv betroffen, ihnen wird in fast allen Fällen ihre Existenzgrundlage entzogen, auch die internationale Sammlerszene und die damit verbundenen Vereine und Organisationen sind dann nicht mehr arbeitsfähig, insbesondere in der Jugendarbeit .

Unser Verein veranstaltet seit nunmehr 15 Jahren in Ingolstadt gemeinsam mit der Stadt und dem Bayerischen Armeemuseum eine internationale Ausstellung, die mittlerweile zu einer der größten in Europa zählt. In Wettbewerben werden handbemalte Figuren in verschiedenen Kategorien bewertet und prämiert. Dies ist Kunst in höchster Präzision.
Sammler und Maler aus ganz Europa und der Welt kommen hier zusammen und zeigen, wie man über das Medium Zinnfigur internationale Freundschaften und Verbundenheit erzeugt.
Europäischer und weltoffener geht es nicht mehr.
In anderen europäischen Ländern werden solche Veranstaltungen ebenfalls durchgeführt, zu nennen sind die großen Ausstellungen in Montrouge (Paris), Sèvres, Brüssel, Siena, Triest und Girona. Weiterhin zu nennen ist die World Expo, die alle drei Jahre stattfindet, immer wechselnd zwischen Europa und den USA.
All diesen Veranstaltungen sowie den vielen international tätigen Vereinen in Europa wird durch ein solches Verbot die Grundlage für die weitere Tätigkeit, insbesondere auch für die Jugendarbeit, entzogen.

Seit fast 25 Jahren bemale und sammle ich Zinnfiguren. Diese Figuren sind alles andere als Spielzeug, sondern eine Darstellung von ziviler und militärischer Geschichte. Ich selbst habe drei Kinder, denen ich mit Hilfe der Zinnfiguren und dem Spaß am Bemalen den Zugang zur Zeitgeschichte vermitteln konnte. In einer Zeit, in der Kinder  von Smartphones und Computerspielen zunehmend vereinnahmt werden, ist dies ein nicht zu unterschätzendes Kleinod!
Unser Verein hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die historische Zinnfigur zu fördern und Geschichte über dieses Medium darzustellen. Dazu führen wir auch Kindermalkurse durch und vermitteln interessierten Kindern und deren Eltern den richtigen Umgang mit Figur und den entsprechenden Bemalungsmedien sowie den Einstieg in die historische Recherche.
Dabei weisen wir immer wieder darauf hin, dass Zinnfiguren kein Spielzeug sind. Sie gehören sicherlich nicht in die Hand von Kleinkindern, ebenso wenig wie viele andere Spielzeuge, die für Kinder unter 36 Monaten ungeeignet sind. Darauf verweisen aber auch alle Hersteller klar auf Ihren Verpackungen. Die Gefahr, dass Kleinkinder lange an Figuren oder Figurenbauteilen lutschen, besteht unserer Meinung nur in äußerst eingeschränktem Maße, und auch nur dann, wenn die Aufsichtspflicht und Sorgfaltspflicht durch die verantwortlichen Erziehungsberechtigten vernachlässigt wird.

Ich bitte Sie daher, dieses wichtige europäische Kulturgut nicht untergehen zu lassen.
Bitte nehmen Sie, auch im Sinne des europäischen Gedankens die historische Zinnfigur in Form der Flachfigur und der vollplastischen Figur in die Liste der Ausnahmen auf.
Um sich ein Bild  zu machen, können Sie gerne unsere Homepage besuchen. Hier können Sie in der Galerie eine Vielzahl von Figuren sehen.  bzw.   

(Domain wird gerade umgezogen)

Gerne stehe ich Ihnen auch für weitere Fragen zu einem persönlichen Gespräch zur Verfügung.

Für den Vorstand

Carsten Abel
1. Vorsitzender

Förderverein Künstler und Figur, Kulturhistorische Zinnfiguren Ingolstadt e.V.
Weicheringer Straße 114c
D-85051 Ingolstadt   
Tel.: +49 8450 8668
Fax: +49 8450 9296746
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  •                             Re: Draft EU Richtlnie prohibiting (others) Zinnfiguren« Reply # 58 on: Today at 06:52:41 PM »
    • Quote
    today I sent the part of the Organization of the Duke of Bavaria following letter to ECHA. I hope it helps. Best regards
    from Ingolstadt Carsten Reference:          Draft Guideline on the scope of the upcoming amendment of Entry 63 of       Annex XVII to REACH on: Lead and its compounds in articles Supplied to the general public . That can be mouthed by children
 Name : Lead and its compounds EC Number: 231-100-4 CAS Number: 7439-92-1 Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to eV as chairman of the association artist and character, Culture Historical Miniatures Ingolstadt herewith the planned ban on trade and manufacturing of Zinnfiguren stance in the wake of the aforementioned draft directive. Not only the producers and distributors are massively affected by the ban, they are deprived of their livelihood in almost all cases, the international collectors scene and the related clubs and organizations are no longer able to work , particularly in youth work. Our association organized for 15 years in Ingolstadt together with the city and the Bavarian Army Museum an international exhibition, which has become one of the largest in Europe. In competitions handpainted figures in different categories are evaluated and awarded. This is art of the highest precision. collectors and painters from all over Europe and the world come together here and show you how to generate over the medium Zinnfigur international friendships and ties. European and cosmopolitan as it gets. In other European countries such sessions are also carried out to name, are the major exhibitions in Montrouge (Paris), Sèvres, Brussels, Siena, Trieste and Girona. Mention may furthermore be the World Expo, which takes place every three years, always alternating between Europe and the USA. All these events, as well as many clubs internationally active in Europe is such a prohibition, the basis for further action, especially for youth work withdrawn. For nearly 25 years, and I collect Paint tin figures. These figures are far from being a toy, but a representation of civilian and military history. I myself have three children, whom I could provide access to contemporary history by means of tin figures and the fun of painting. At a time when increasingly recognized in children of smartphones and computer games, this is a not to be underestimated gem! Our association has set itself the task of promoting the historical tin figure and represent history through this medium. In addition, we also carry children through painting classes and convey interested children and their parents how to deal with and the corresponding figure painting media and the entry into the historical research. We have repeatedly pointed out that tin figures are not toys. They are certainly not in the hands of small children, just as many other toys that are not suitable for children under 36 months. But it also refer all manufacturers clearly on your packaging. The risk that infants suck on dummies or character components long, is in our opinion only in extremely limited extent, and then only if the supervisory duty and duty of care is neglected by the responsible guardians. I therefore ask you, this important European cultural asset not go to leave. Please, also in the sense of the European idea of the historical tin figure in the form of a flat figure and the fully plastic figure in the list of exceptions. To get an idea, you are welcome to visit our website. Here you can see in the gallery a variety of figures.   or (Domain is just moved) I will be happy for any further questions at a personal meeting available. For the Executive Board Carsten Abel . 1 Chairman Förderverein artist and character, Culture Historical Miniatures Ingolstadt eV Soft Ringer road 114c D-85051 Ingolstadt    Tel .: +49 8450 8668 Fax: +49 8450 9296746
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)

Nicholas Ball

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #62 on: May 27, 2015, 01:06:15 PM »
have a good show Willie, hope you are enjoying FL. 8)

just a quick update.

Sotirios ( Risk Officer )  informed me this morning that he and his collegues  are now liasing with the commission  to get this sorted for us.  Obviously this takes a bit of organising with the different departments, but I should hopefully get a reply within the next couple of weeks.

As soon as I know something, I will let you know forthwith.


Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #61 on: May 26, 2015, 04:48:17 PM »
Good job Nick. So I guess its back to normal chaos :o  I am heading up to DC this weekend for the Heart Of The South Toy Soldier show and then its off to Gettysburg see a friend who has a book shop in the old part of town and with your cards. Willie

Nicholas Ball

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #60 on: May 26, 2015, 03:30:49 PM »
We will see Michel,

I'm feeling a lot happier today after speaking to Mark than I was at the weekend. :)


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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #59 on: May 26, 2015, 02:03:02 PM »
 ;) ;) ;)
Thank you Nick, but inly a first step... a small batlle is noit the end of the war!
Good job to keep this art alive !!!!!!!
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #58 on: May 26, 2015, 09:37:13 AM »
Hi Nick,

that`s a word !!!

Fingers crossed they can help us.

Good work Nick !!!

Nicholas Ball

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #57 on: May 26, 2015, 09:18:04 AM »
Dear All,

I have just received a phone call from Mark Blainey from the Risk Management Implementation Unit of the EU.
and I can confirm a few things

Firstly, this was put out some time ago for consultation but for some reason never came to either our attention nor the manufacturers until last week ,which is why they knew nothing about us.

After seeing some of my art and reading the Forum, they now have a better understanding of our predicament and I have been assured  that they are now trying to help us to resolve this situation, possibly with some form of an exemption. This does rely on other rule maker's, but they will definitely give it a go.  I should hopefully have a positive answer for you  in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I would kindly ask you to refrain from putting negative comments on here, until we get a final outcome.

I would also like to thank Mark and Sotirios for getting back to me so quickly and for their understanding and help at this somewhat precarious time.

Thank You       Nicholas

Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2015, 08:28:36 AM »
Brian, Glen, Nick since this is banned we should all become lead legers :P  just like in prohibition, I know that my grandmother had some fun in that :-X  We could all move to Chicago and set up shop. Dust off are Thompson  :o  and become God Fathers of Lead.  So now its off to the pool Brandy in hand 8)  I know that I was born 200 years to late :-\ Willie

gerhard gady

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Re: European Union will bann Tin figures
« Reply #55 on: May 26, 2015, 08:21:50 AM »
Thank you Jörg!

Thats what I wanted to know. (I am Little slow in thinking)

Best Wishes