Author Topic: New BFFS figure  (Read 4444 times)

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Re: New BFFS figure
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 07:00:43 AM »
"It will also of a slightly larger scale, approx. 40-45mm and one sided"

That is each guy of cause ;) so it will be a big one, around 165mm. 


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Re: New BFFS figure
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 06:59:49 AM »
Now that is just spectacular!
At 45mm, these old eyes will be able to cope(with help) and the two middle figures allow some color creativity.
Put me down for two.
Thanks to the committee for all their work...and to Vladimir for his efforts.

Nicholas Ball

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New BFFS figure
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 06:44:05 AM »
Just to show you all that the committee have not been standing on their laurel's, I can announce today that over the past couple of months we have been in discussions with regards to producing another BFFS figure.

It was also discussed that if we were to produce another one, it would have to be something a lot more interesting than just 'the run of the mill' Military. With this in mind we have approached various illustrators to draw for us some of their best idea's.

I am very pleased to say that one of these was Vladimir Nushdin, and for those newcomer's who are still learning, like me, he is probably the best engraver there is. He is also an excellent artist and has agreed to do a figure for us. This will only be available through the BFFS, and can be purchased by all, but obviously fully paid up members of the society will get it at a nicely discounted rate.

It was agreed that as we are British based, the figure should be something of a British theme, but with a bit of a twist that would add a
uniqueness to it. It will also of a slightly larger scale, approx. 40-45mm and one sided.

 The figure we will be doing is loosely based on the legend of Robin Hood, and you certainly can't get anything more British than that!!

 So here it is:-

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I hope you like it as much as We do. This is the first drawing, and as Vladimir looks at it, he will revise it where necessary.

I will keep you posted as to further updates etc.

 Kindest Regards to all, and keep up the good painting.                 Nicholas