Author Topic: Carthaginian elephant  (Read 4124 times)

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Re: Carthaginian elephant
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2013, 12:00:53 PM »
Can we hope for a picture of your painted elephant ?


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Re: Carthaginian elephant
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2013, 11:35:22 AM »
This is great and it is an interesting approach.  They are great figures to experiment on given their size and beautiful engraving.  I have four of them in my collection with one fully painted.  For me it was the first time I used washes of different color ala Mike Taylor's advice.  It was revelatory to see how that would modify shadows.  I have another I go back to periodically and they seem to take layers of oils quite nicely.

Mark  8)
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Re: Carthaginian elephant
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2013, 04:39:08 AM »
Another nice one Eric.
The grey horse horse in my von Dessau vignette had a touch of green, I was a bit worried to start with but it came together in the end, I didn't show it to my wife as she would have said the same.  ;D
Roger Newsome.
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Bedale, North Yorkshire.


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Carthaginian elephant
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 04:27:34 AM »
I did not make an elephant for a while
This one was issued by Gotstein in 1930 as a special Kulmbach fair figure; engraved by Ludwig Frank (right Jan ? ;) )
The basic color of the elephant started with a grey green coat made of yellow ochre, ultramrine blue and van dyck brown (had a kind remark from my wife about the reality of green elephants :o )
All the work was to play with lights and shadows to "grey the green"  with different mixes of white, naples yellow, van dyck brown
Some yellow ochre and burnt sienna was added on the under to warm a little
I used metallic paint for metal parts and I am still balancing between the two ways
30mm, oil paint
actually not available but should be again when the Gottstein figures will be reissued
For fun I also joined the same figure painted by W.Douchkine
I still have a few progress to make !  ::)