Hello Marko,
Your post gives me the opportunity for bringing some precisions.
The series « The General Staff of Louis XIV » will be recast by Epopées (Guillaume Bretegnier).
Christian Térana was the owner of the Boverat moulds and cast figures from forms entrusted by other owners as Pierre Bretegnier. After the death of both those great collectors, the forms of Pierre Bretegnier returned to his heirs, the ones of Christian Térana were offered at an auction.
Guillaume Bretegnier, grand-son of Pierre, has decided to make the figures progressively be available. The set of the General Staff of Louis XIV is planned in the curse of 2020.
The auction of Téréna's moulds was not a success. A few of them was sold, the the great part left in the hands of the heirs. As they were near to throw the forms away, I, with Eric, the famous painter, bought them. Neither of us intends to make the cast. So we have entrusted the moulds to Guillaume. Now a set is available : the Staff of Napoléon Ier.
The available now and the planned in 2020 series are in Epopées' catalog. You can load it in a prevent post in the section Vendors Area.
Best regards.