Thanks Erich!
I'll have to find someone to access Facebook, I refuse to open my private life to the world and to companies picking and selling my data to make money of them to others, and then be infected by undesired messages to attempt to push me to buy without needs ... (sorry I am an old calcified man of the first half of the XXth century ....)
Vsiting from somone else, indeed, Helen seems to be a young lady, from Minsk, painting quiet impressively 'Les drapeaux de France', but could not find more details .. Impressive figurine of Jeanne d'Arc riding on a horse wih a flag !!!!
She registered another painting "La Geisha Withcat", but is as not a flat, not seen, perhaps in another category of ronde-bosses ..(1).
Via Seach in the Galleries, I found that she also painted Louis XIV at the World Expo of Chicago (gold award) and a bust of Pharao, & St Georges and the Dragon from Vl. Nuzhdin, that I photographed last year at Sèvres ... I remembered her face too now!
(therefore the interest to indicate the painter name and descrption with all pictures....)
(1) In the list of awards of the Wold Expo of Chicago, she also won a gold for a "Geisha", in the list, but flats and figurines are mixed, so they could well be separated in Sèvres ... I have no pictures of figures of Sèvres except some on the Napoleonic and Middle Age period.