Well, I seem to have missed the bus here. But... I'm generally ok with any scale. I've painted a small number of 30mm for the BFF traveling projects (I suppose they're gone now?), but I found that the level of detail pales in comparison to 3D 30mm gaming minis. I like the 45mm Napoleonic Pin-up girls from Joerg and Brian. They're large enough to have a viable face. Boobs and butts are fine, but the face is everything on a pinup. That and a wave of flowing red hair. Ahem.
In general, however I prefer larger scales - 54mm to 120mm, but probably focusing on the 75mm to 100mm range. My main areas of interest are medieval - Vikings, Saxons, Normans, Crusaders, Saracens, etc., along with some Sci-fi/fantasy and pin-up pieces. The latter two seem few and far between, although Andreas Troste seems to be doing his best to issue these to the unwashed masses.
I also have a few busts. Many of the full figure and busts have proven to be problematic. Nearly all of them have issues with proportion, perspective, and/or inconsistent, misplaced, and misaligned detail. I hate to have to re-engineer a piece before I paint it. Consequently my flat purchases across all sizes have dropped off considerably.