The show is now completed !!
Over 1 200 pièces exposed (number not finalized yet), with a large number of historical rondes-bosses and dioramas, compressed on a table much too small causing a congestion !
For flats, 115 pieces exposed by 47 painters (including one junior):
Master = 16 painters - 38 pieces
Confirmed = 22 painters - 60 pieces
Novices = 8 painters -16 pieces
Junior = 1 painter - 1 piece
Pictures will be available towards the end of the week in the Show Gallery.
(I took over 500 pics of ALL flats, under sorting also from 6 other sources, during this week after selecting and reformatting the best pic of each one during this week, with their painter name and description taken directy from the registration sheets with the help of the organizing committee yesterday)
Awards will be communicated later when available and added in the gallery