As I am able to see in "WW II Tank Encyclopadedia in color 1939-45" by Historie & Collections is that even a late PKW IV Ausf J. has four "track return rollers". (Now I know the correct name for these wheels)
I adjusted my tank with the help of Milli Putting. When painting it I guess I will stick to my old media - Oil colours.
True about the return rollers to a point. Ausf J production seems to have been divided in three phases - early, middle, and late (I was referring to the latter). The changes were mainly designed to reduce the amount of material used and speed production. Items deemed unnecessary were eliminated, e.g. hull and turret vision ports and power turret traverse. The late production batches went to three rollers, upright vertical exhaust stacks instead of the horizontal drum muffler system, and heavy-gauge wire mesh side skirts. All that said, there was a great blurring of equipment (or lack of) from one variant to the other. Tamiya makes a 1/48 and 1/35 scale early/middle Ausf J while Dragon (DML) has a series of all of the late war Pzkpfw IVs in 1/35. I'd like to see a series of flat armored vehicles in about 1/48th scale with vastly improved detail and engraving. I thought about making my own out of sheet plastic and putty, but they'd be really complicated; more so than my Bristol Scout.

I'm not sure if that's a hill I want to climb...