So, how do I become a member officially?
I do not know the most efficient way to post progress on this piece so I will just keep adding to this string for now until someone suggests a better way.
I was able to do a demonstration at a SCAHMS club meeting the other day. The flat is not exactly where I want it to be on the grey scale for coloring but that is what the demo was, color over the grey scale.
I used various red acrylics. Utrecht, Blick, and Apple Barrel craft acrylics. I had a burgundy red which is dark and is a bit purple-brown-alizarin crimson looking. I used a scarlet red for medium red and a red-orange for the highlight.
The back end of the blanket and the pants have no more than 3 layers of transparent washes. For the short demonstration, I then focused on one area, the front of the blanket and proceeded to layer at least 10 layers of color washes over this area. I added a white-ish yellow into the orange and thinned it way down and that was the highest key highlight on the hump. I have to say though that there are not very many molecules of white-yellow in that wash. It barely tinted the area. I still want the underpainting to show through at this point.
I will now finish the underpainting on the rest of the figure before I continue with the coloring.