Author Topic: Burgundian Knight  (Read 1625 times)

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Re: Burgundian Knight
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2014, 02:02:21 AM »
Thanks Mark. I guess the cast shadow will have to wait until it's dry.
I made a small investment by purchasing one of Eric's figures from eBay, and I asked Mike Timson to paint a knight for me. I also bought a Walter Fisher figure. Studying these at close quarters has been very instructional, plus I have been able to spend more time painting recently and just trying out different techniques. I confess to liking the effect on this horse.


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Re: Burgundian Knight
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2014, 07:17:21 PM »
Hidden depths Charles - like this one a lot.  I suspect you will be hounded for a cast shadow from the lance however...

I still need to make a start on the figures you sent me, this will tough for me to top.

mark  8)
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Burgundian Knight
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2014, 05:35:55 PM »
You can't beat the classic 30mm figures. This is a Gottstein Burgundian, Frank engraved. I have tried to copy Eric's style with the horse and horse furniture, volume rather than detail, and tried to be heavy with the shadows. The rider comes next, he is just roughly blocked in.
On this I painted a mid colour base and allowed it to dry. Then I did the green horse furniture. Back to the horse I mixed three different shades, the mid tone, the shadow and the highlight. Onto the dry I painted on areas of shadow and highlight, then filled in the gaps with mid tone and blended. Deepened the shadows and left it. All in all about an hours work.
If you are interested, Yellow Ochre Pale mixed with Burnt Sienna, deepened with black, highlighted with white and Winsor Yellow.