Author Topic: Medieval Flat Figures of Hans Mueller, Erfurt, Volume 2 – Is At the Printers!  (Read 105 times)

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Rick Sanders

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The new 2nd volume about the beautiful flat tin medieval figures (Zinnfiguren) by Hans Mueller of Erfurt, edited by Rick Sanders, is at the printer and should be available for shipping in early to mid-March 2025!
This second volume provides information and photos which were not included the first volume. That book, which was published in 2021, is unfortunately sold out. Like the first volume, this new book is a collaborative work of many collectors from both sides of the Atlantic. And it introduces beautifully painted flats by eight new collectors along with photos of figures by approximately 40 other collectors whose figures we were unable to include in the 2021 edition. This volume introduces newly identified sources (images) that inspired Mueller’s figures, figure designs by Ludwig Frank and an update on the transfer of molds, plus it introduces some figures that were based on proposals for Mueller that other editors later produced.

The texts and picture captions are all in both German and English. The book is 84 pages cover-to-cover, in “A4 format” (8¼ x 11 ½”), softcover, with color photos of more than 300 Mueller Zinnfiguren in their original or larger size.

Price: € 23,50 or $24.50 US, incl. shipping and handling. Price is lower in Germany due to its domestic postage rates.

Orders from addresses in Germany should be sent to:

For orders from within the European Union (EU), payment will be due later - an invoice will be sent with the book. Please include the number of copies, your email address and your mailing address in your order.

Orders from countries other than Germany should be sent to:
and a copy to

For orders outside the EU, we request payment to Rick Sanders in advance. Once payment is received, the book(s) will be sent by mail from Germany.

For US collectors, the preferred payment method is by check sent as a “friend” to Rick’s mailing or PayPal address (, which will be provided upon receipt of your request for the book.

NOTE: Please include the number of copies, your email address and your mailing address.