Gernot Schlager one of our most faithful Austrian members, released a new book in Kulmbach. Some members will remember, and possibly own, a book he published three years ago on the subject of figures from the Middle Ages, beautifully illustrated with his own painted flats.
His new book or perhaps booklet would be more appropriate, is much smaller, but with a very novel idea. It is a description of the entry of Charles the Bold of Burgundy into Trier in 1473. It measures some 15 by 24 centimetres and features some 29 pages of exquisitely painted flat figures, around twice life size, showing Gernot's masterful painting in great detail. There is only a brief text, so it is easily accessible to non-German speakers. The chief participants are shown, two to a page.
But this, dear reader, is only the beginning. Included in the book are two sheets, each around one metre long, folded concertina-fashion showing the entire procession, with heralds, trumpeters, banners, bowmen and of course the various nobles.
It really is a beautiful work, and really inspiring. As it is getting more difficult for UK members to obtain goods from across the Channel, I brought a small number home from Kulmbach, for sale at £10 (plus p&p at cost). Will anyone who is interested please contact me on a first come, first served basis. You will not be disappointed.
Members i other lands can contact Gernot directly.
Ed H