Thank you for your pertinent information.
My concern is , without being an historian, aware of the details of costumes, armour changes with the periods in history, is to be able to identify what I have acquired over the years, for many in second hands against the identifications that the producer (engraver, drawer, editor) have represented, like as example the participants of this Breda diorama ....
In the XXIth centory, we still lack of clear lists and drawings and descriptions of these wonderful flats representing the History whose identifaction key is held by the (original) editor.
The recent compilation of Rick Taylor on Lueller Erfurt Middle Age figures is a fantastic tool for those interested in this perdiod, several other editors have such lists or booklets, but I speak of the others, hard to find ...
It is probably a task, a work that one of several of us should one day undertake and maintain ... I would loved have done this , but on my age, it is too late already ....
Fir what concerns the cost 26.5 or 18.8 euros for 14 flats is not a big issue; perhaps on the second hand market it cold also be acquired for less like 10 to 14 euros. Considering the drawing, engraving and material and handling cost, 2 euros for a flat is considered as cheap against the largers flats or against the ronde-bosses figures, and we are painting today these flats, not aly longer as 50 years ago as very large armies on a table (unless by exception) with a low detail quality, but like several of us (Martin, Amauro, Serge, Mickael, Jorg, Roland, Lars, ....) more spedng hours for each piece, and two euros a piece is small compared to the painting time to finish them witgh high details ....
I shall look at the descriptions given on the Berliner ZF web site agains the book (15 pages dédicated to Middle Age), and what I have to determine if it will be necessary to buy the book ...
Perhaps one day I should start selling a giid part of my grey army at killed prices, to avoid the shame of my descendant throwing them away, but rather sending them to fanatics and collectors of even unpainted figures, like me. My painting speed wojuld give me work for more than 1000 years !!
I should start by making an inventory ... then prepare sets/series.....
Any answer to the second question : [size=0px]I have also several marked 'EH', presumably Ernst Henninges ? does it exist a catalogue? or list?[/size]
Thanks you friends !! we are all passionnate.....