Author Topic: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series  (Read 3546 times)

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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2020, 05:56:37 AM »
Hello Redman,
I am unable to given you an interesting answer.
Sorry for my disapponting answer.


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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2020, 02:50:38 AM »
Selektion Bauernkrieg Serie Mohr

Großer Deutscher Bauernkrieg
(Liste nach Egon Krannich)

Zeichnungen dieser Figuren von Franz Karl Mohr.
Gravuren  von Mohr selbst, Dr. Neumeister und W.Otto.

Wolfgang Unger der Herausgeber, hat eine große Serie Bauernkrieg. In der großen
Serie sind Figuren von Ludwig Frank enthalten .
Wann welche Figur zur Serie dazu kam? Hier kann nur der Hersteller Auskunft geben.

Ich vergleiche jetzt die Liste der Figuren aus dem Buch ,, Die Zinnwelt des Franz Karl
Mohr II`mit den Signaturen der Graveure.
Alle Figuren die nicht von Mohr graviert sind:
1/04 stehender Bauer mit Hellebarde --- fehlt
1/51 Bauer im Marsch-HN Neumeister
1/52 - HN Neumeister
1/53 - HN Neumeister
1/54 Bauer mit Urkunden-bis 1/64 Frauengruppe am Kreuz alle Otto Gravuren.

Dazu waren in der Serie Ludwig Frank Gravuren:
-Bauer mit Bundschuhfahne stehend
-Götz von Berlichingen (Eisenhand)
-Thomas Müntzer
- Bauer mit Winkel
- Anführer redend
-Anführer mit gezogenen Schwert


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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2020, 04:05:08 PM »
Vielen Dank, Martin - Ich hoffe mein Deutsch is gut genug zu verstehen!
Ist gut endlich zu wissen das diese Hellebarder figur gehoert nicht mit den anderen.
Gordon [Redman]


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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2020, 01:50:34 PM »
Hallo Redman
entschuldige ich antworte auf deutsch:
Die Figur mit der gestürzten Plastik ist wirklich nur einseitig graviert, anzunehmen ist eine Beschädigung der zweiten Formenhälfte.
Florian Geyer ist gleichfalls eine Mohr-gravur der Name Florian Geyer ist auf dem Sockel eingraviert aber keine NR. großes Bild rechts.
Der Musiker ist eine Mohr-Gravur FKM mit Nr. 1/19. Bild
Die kämpfenden Bauern mit Hellebarde sind FKM 1 41 / FKM 1 44 / FKM 1 47.
Der Bauern mit Hellebarde marschierend ist nicht von Mohr HST 51


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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2020, 11:02:29 AM »
Well that's all extremely helpful.   I was not aware of the 1998 Krannich Book 2, and was under the impression that his latest 2017 collection of Mohr's work was simply an update of what had gone before.  I can see I'll have to get a copy, especially if it has more of these very useful figure listings.  [Afternote:  Book 2 is available on (at a healthy 90 Euros!), but it seems Book 1 of "Die Zinnwelt Des Franz Karl Mohr's" is out of print:  anyone able to comment on this / point me in the right direction?]So matching what I have against the comments below (my thanks especially to Beloc_Zoc for double checking his collection) plus against the figure listing from Book 2 that Archigrog kindly attached, I can rectify my original posts as follows:
-  My missing 4th Musiker is indeed 1/19 (so am still looking for this!)
-  The peasant on horseback ("HS") is 1/49
-  The Florian Geyer figure is 1/50
-  The "Fallen Statue" figure is 1/40;  but is this indeed only engraved on the one side?  I wonder why this was the case when all the others are engraved both sides?

-  The "Book Burner" figure is HSI /57 [I've now got this.]
-  The group I mistook for a possible separate Leipziger figure is of course 1/10 (silly error on my part originally)

But the "Halberd Carrier" seems to remain a mystery to me........ it's part of the painted sets of Bistulfi and of Richard (see who is another IFFS/BFFS member to attack this set (but interestingly not of the painted set by Martin Frenzel (mar_tin) that was used by Egon Krannich in his "Das Gesamtwerk" of 2017.  Anyone able to throw some light on that? Richard? Gianpaulo? Martin?
Anyway, I hope this update may be of continuing interest to some - apologies if I'm distracting you all from more productive activity!
regards / mfG



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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2020, 02:49:59 AM »

beloc zoc

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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2020, 01:14:23 PM »

After visiting my flats I can tell you this. I buyed the complete series from Wolfgang Unger, no more pieces available.

HS 54 - 64: engraver Werner Otto
Hs 51 - 53: engraver Dr. Horst Neumeister
49 + 50: engraver Franz Karl Mohr
FKM I/37 - I/49: engraver Franz Karl Mohr
FKM I/26 - I 48: not engraved, no mould known
FKM I/1 - I/25: engraver Franz Karl Mohr

Best regards henry


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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2020, 01:20:06 PM »
Very interesting!

In attach the page 96 of "Die Zinnwelt des Franz Karl Mohr - vol. II" by Egon Krannich Edition, with a list 64 tin figure.
On top of the list we can read:  Gravur: F.K. Mohr / Dr. Neumeister (?) / W. Otto

I think it's no simple to find an answer to your questions
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 01:59:43 AM by archigrog »

beloc zoc

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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2020, 01:17:52 PM »

The 10 figures engraved by Ludwig Frank are not a part of the Mohr-Series.
They are a part of an older Series from Helmut Schultze (HS). He died in 1936. From original 28 pieces are only these 10 pieces and 3 other piece existing today.
The mould of the other pieces are lost or unknown located. Formerly the owner was Heinz Bittner (HB). The owner of the moulds for these 13 pieces are Wolfgang Friedrich today.
Best regard Henry


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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2020, 09:18:50 AM »
Interesting write up!  I have the set and will have to count figures.

Hopefully some members will pitch in with some thoughts, my knowledge has come from the two handy sets of articles in the journal.

Mark  ???
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Re: Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2020, 03:02:36 AM »
Some photos to go with the original post:
1.  "Halberd Carrier":   

2.  "Book Burner": 

3.  Bistulfi Painted Figures 1/1-18: 

4.  Bistulfi Painted Figures 1/19-53: 

5.  "Florian Geyer": 

6.  Zinnfigurenfreunde Leipzig Figure:   

7.  "Musician 1 of 4": 

8.  "Mini-set of 4 Musicians":

9.  "Fallen Statue"  Engraved Front: 

10. "Fallen Statue" Un-engraved reverse: 

11.  "Mounted Peasant with Spear":

12:  "10 x Ludwig Frank Figures": 


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Mohr - Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War Series
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2020, 02:31:46 AM »
Dear All:  On Apr 24th I originally jumped in on another thread on Mohr figures with a question on the Bauernkrieg / Peasant's War series (see italics below).   Hopefully the moderator will be OK with my now raising the topic in its own separate thread - and even more importantly I hope to gain some more information on the set of figures from fellow IFFS members (the earlier post did not, I'm afraid attract any readership or comment!).  I'll try and link in photos to supplement this initial post, both for completeness and to help with identification (if I'm in breach of copyright on any of these, perhaps someone could let me know and I'll make the necessary edit).

"Following on from this, I'm trying to place each of the Mohr Bauernkrieg (Peasants' War) figures.   Does anyone have a listing that shows the complete set, and who goes where?   I'm assuming the set is 63 pieces total:  true?  Appreciated!"
Having done some additional research, I can now expand on this as follows (some of this comes from piecing together the separate commentaries from, for example, Egon Krannich's book on the complete works of Mohr, plus articles from BFFS/IFFS (including looking at the wonderful sets painted up by fellow IFFs members over the years) , plus some very helpful insights received from Uhlrich Holland-Merten.   Grateful for any corrections of errors of fact or omission! I do speak some German, which has helped in getting as far as I have.
- The "set" may be anything from 50 to 63/64 figures.    Krannich shows a total of 51 figures - 1 edited by Zinnfigurenfreunde Leipzig / painted by Matthias Frenzel, and 50 edited by Wolfgang Unger / also painted by Frenzel.   Am I right to assume these same 51 figures are the pieces engraved by Mohr, and that any additions to the set are just that (additions)?   

- The numbering of the individual figures can be a little confusing:    1/1 to 1/18 is straightforward;  1/19 to 1/50 are presumably all the follow-on / sequential Mohr figures (I don't have all of these, so cannot be 100% on this) with each figure carrying Mohr's mark of FKM in addition to the numbering. 

- 14 of the figures (HSI/51-53, all marked "HN";  plus HSI/54-63, all marked Otto/Mohr); plus HB/64, also marked Otto/Mohr).  I understand that Otto refers to a former apprentice (Herr Werner Otto) of Mohr, employed in the 1980s by the (former?) mould owner, Herr Unger, to repair / re-engrave some of the broken moulds of the Bauernkrieg series ie these figures seem to replace 14 of the originals that would most likely have been numbers 1/26 to 1/36, 1/40, 1/49 and 1/50.  True?  But who is/was HN, and what do HSI and HB refer to?

- And there are a further 3 figures that are not numbered but are marked Mohr, and which all appear in the Krannich book:   the first of these is a figure representing Florian Geyer (a German nobleman who became a leader of the peasants within the revolt) but which is not included by Krannich;  the second is the only mounted peasant figure and is marked "HS" - and is included by Krannich;  and the third is a larger figure* of a peasant on top of a fallen statue brandishing a staff, also included by Krannich.   [* This figure appears to be engraved only on the one side: true? Also, the copy I have has a rather poorly cast base and it is not possible to read any inscription.]

-  Separately, I note that Gianpaulo Bistulfi's superb gallery photos on this site actually show a total of 53 figures, with the 18 Klosterpluenderung figures on one photo and 35 other figures in second photo.  The additional 2 figures appear to be a "Book Burner" and a "Halberd Carrier".   Where do these additional2 figures fit in?    [The Bistulfi painted set(s) do include Florian Geyer and the Mounted Figure I refer to above, as well as the "Fallen Statue" figure. However while Krannich includes the Book Burner, he does not include the Halberd Carrier.]
- The first 18 figures - ie 1/1 to 1/18 - are (again, Krannich) known to be the first ones engraved by Mohr for his planned series on the topic and were almost a mini-set representing the sacking of a monastery (Klosterpluenderung).   Mohr then intended to add further min-sets as "building blocks" that collectors could use as they saw fit for small dioramas etc.
- An example of such a mini-set is based on the peasant leader Joss Fritz (figure 1/23) in front of a fir tree addressing a small number of listeners (3 total?  Figures 1/24, 1/25 and perhaps 1/37?).
-  Also a group of 4 musicians (figures 1/19 to 1/22?).   [I'm actually missing one of these (1/19?) and instead have 2 x 1/22:  damn!  If anyone can help on finding that particular, figure I'd be most grateful.]

-  The set that I have also includes 10 figures engraved by Ludwig Frank.  [These are in 2 groups:   the first 6 (all marked "WU" seem to be numbered 1a/9a/9b/9c/9d/9e);  and the next 4 are numbered 1b/1c/4a/4c.   NB:  I've seen the first  group of 6 figures separately on the Scholz/Berliner Zinnfiguren site under the Order Ref 278/30, where they appear as part of a larger group of 15 figures.]    I understand that Herr Unger (as the former(?) Bauernkrieg mould owner) used to make it a habit to send these 10 figures with the rest of the Mohr figures, but now that the moulds have been moved on this may now not be the case...........

- Looking at the figures I do have from the Mohr Bauernkrieg series, there are gaps in the listing:   I don't have 1/19 (the 4th musician?);  and I'm of course assuming the Werner Otto figures are direct replacements for 1/26-1/36, 1/40, 1/49 and 1/50.
Anyone care to add to this?