Author Topic: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche  (Read 1509 times)

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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2020, 11:33:59 PM »
Thank you, Friends for the ideas!
Now the ball is on my side again ... ???


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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2020, 05:55:47 PM »
It was my first idea, but I could not find him in the pictures or references I had in mly numlerous pictures … But the best of course, although  …. a flat can also be painted from a flat surface, like canvas painting, or cartons, cardboard prints!  This was the method to paint portraits for more than 1000 years !
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2020, 03:19:19 PM »

Dear Snagy,

maybe there is a more simple solution. You could take the Wallenstein at foot from Müller I think now available from Fechner who might easily placed into the coach (with or without the hat). He is more close to the portrait of Wallenstein shown on the book cover.


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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2020, 02:27:35 PM »

Hello Sandor,

My opinion about it:

Let the figure be as it is!
The publisher or engraver has already thought of something.

There is a wide variety of images of all people from historical events, some say the person must have looked like this, others might have looked like that.
Of course, Wallenstein didn't wear jeans at the time, but as far as the length of his hair is concerned, you can interpret it as you like.

This usually leads to endless discussions in all figure-forums.

My friendly tip:
Correct the hairstyle if at all and make the hair shorter.
Not more!

Wallenstein lived for many years, there was a life before his illness from syphyllis, and a life afterwards.
The disease has significantly contributed to the change in its character, which has led in particular to his decisions with Lützen and the time after.

Nonetheless, he married as an upstart, acquired wealth (or appropriated it), built palaces, indulged in the arts, married twice, so you can sometimes allow him to wave friendly or graciously out of the carriage.

Better concentrate on the painting, the whole scene is effective, the carriage dominates, no one ultimately looks at the gentlemen in the window.

Best regards
Christian, Kettwig (Germany)
Privatoffizin Kettwiger Zinnfiguren / Kettwiger tin figures


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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2020, 09:56:01 AM »
VERY interesting idea, Michel!
Actually I've never thought about a "multimedia" solution.
Very interesting thing!!!
And thank you for your photographic illustration, that makes it quite tangible!


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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2020, 09:17:40 AM »

I've done the following:

1. Starting with the flat, I selected the light coming from upper LEFT.

2. Cut away the character in the carriage

3.  Find a picture of Wallenstein on the net, with correct orientation (here book cover)

4. Isolate the trunk and head  and reduced to size of the flat, then print on a hard paper and cut on its left side (right shoulder), not the right side

5. Glue it behind the carriage window

6. Paint the shadow of the carriage opening on the right shoulder and face side , as Wallenstein is inside the carriage...

Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Re: Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2020, 07:57:11 AM »

I have an idea, I am trying to do it visually by the computer on the carriage.
Where is your light source located ?  Left ? Right ? Zenithal?

Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)


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Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2020, 07:42:46 AM »
Good afternoon and peaceful weekend to everyone!

I would have a "question" and ask for you kind opinion about it.

I am just about to start the Wallenstein in sechsspänniger Kutsche set (Kulmbacher Tagungsfigur 1981).
My problem is that the rendering of the central figure (i.e. Wallenstein) does not represent the real humanness of the general.
I explain what I mean: according to the historical sources Wallenstein was a withdrawn person, with high rank and has many years behind in supreme commander position. Furthermore due to his step by step more deteriorated health this feature of bad mood should have gotten even stronger.
The flat does not represent this person at all.
Here is the flat I speak about:

So this is a friendly person who is waving quite cheerfully to a passerby: that is definitely not the personality of Wallenstein.

The second time I was painting the figure I felt this above feeling quite strong, so I removed the figure and gave a curtain instead:

But I was not satisfied with this solution either.

So now I am at the third proving.

It came to my mind, that I simple replace the present figure with a more gloomy figure - from waist up.
But I do not think, that a grown up man could stand up in his real height in that coach.
I tend to remove the present figure and simple leave the window empty - if somebody is sitting relaxed in the coach, he cannot be seen from outside anyway (at least I think so). I think it would be still a better representation of Wallenstein, than the given cheerfully waving figure!

One more (smaller point) the the hairstyle that was given to the figure also quite faraway from the form that is shown on the available paintings of Wallenstein.

So I would be curious to know your opinion about this topic: what would you do??

Thank you all!

Best regards-