Yes Glen, when the world stays static, conservative, closed ! we have to suggest change, innovation, widening ...
In this case, that Show in France organizes a painting competition of one figure pre-selected and the same for all participants, next year it will be an historic subject, instead of fantastic (this year). I suggested for these painters specialized in flats painting only to add such a flat here, historical as alternative to a 3D figurine, instead of just ... not competing at all !! Unfortunately it was received badly as they considered flat painting as ... too much elitist!? (when others in France consider flats are sub-art or no art at all...)
So Rebel ? <===> Conservative what's best? Perhaps on my age is this proposal abnormal? "vintage"?
I will just paint it, but for myself or elsewhere...... no problem. The subject looks nice and Arthur is still a fascinating Legend for many old and young fellows on this planet ...