Author Topic: World Model Expo 2020  (Read 2105 times)

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World Model Expo 2020
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2017, 03:53:04 AM »
From: Bill Horan

I am very pleased to announce that World Expo 2020 will be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands (dates to be announced). The selection of a venue for the 2020 World Expo was simpler than in past years.  We received only one bid, so there will not be a vote.  Fortunately we received an excellent proposal from Robert Crombeecke and his organization to host the 2020 World Expo at the NH Konigshof Hotel in Eindhoven, Holland. 

Many of you are familiar with the annual Scale Model Challenge staged at the same spacious venue.  Eindhoven's easy access from Amsterdam airports, and by train with the rest of Europe, Holland's membership in the EU, the spacious NH Konigshof Hotel (with over 500 guest rooms and free parking), enormous convention space and facilities, and an abundance of bars and gathering spaces, it's a state of the art facility and will make an excellent venue for our next World Expo - the first in Holland.

Robert will be publishing additional information and will add a website to provide updates on the Expo in the coming months.

Please join me in congratulating Robert and his team on their excellent proposal and offering our full support for the upcoming World Expo 2020.
Men are a bit like God: everything they can do, they do it. Or they will do it.  (Jean d'Ormesson)