I found an article about toy soldiers from 1921 by art historian K. K. Meinander when bowsing through the newly digitalized nespapers and magazines by the National Library of Finland. My find pre-dates Ole Gripenberg's ecclectic book with almost half a century. Interesting that the pioneer engraver Erik Lodin (d. 1801?) in Loviisa is mentioned, but he was already then represented at our National Museum. The German overwhelming precense on the toy market is stressed, the production of Mars in Stockholm is wellcomed. Meinander had heard rumours that the Swedish company is believed to had phenomenal sucesses USA and Japan. Architect Sune Maconi's collection of 4000 soldiers is mentioned.
http://www.intflatfigures.org/index.php?topic=2547.msg16252#msg16252Papersoldiers are given much space. Meinander sees their advantage in better details, according to him there was a rennaissance for paper soldiers at that time. But there were at the same time difficulties to obtain them even in the Finnish capital. Ends with practical hints to fathers, how to glue and stage so the figures that they last longer.