Bravo !! several points are improved. So I enlarged the face again, and ....
[ You will hate me definitively for this !!
I have 12 small remarks as following
1) The fes (gat) should be flush on the hair, not recessed (no shadow) = flat contact
2) The angle of the top of the hat to be sharp, not rounded
3) Same for the angle = like a culinder
4) Same for the side = almost a rectangle
5) The tissue may have a angle from its centre towards the hair to have some roundness, not flat
6) The contact between the shesh (tissue) and the hair must be close touching, not this dark striation line alnong their contact
7) The nose has a recessed surface at that point, look with light on the side !
The side of the nose is not totally well formed, check again
9) The chine should niot have a recessed shape after the round bead = this will give shadows = the end of the chin has a bead, is it not reality
10) Make closeer contact between the hair and the skin = not this bead and strong line = sweet, soft contact
11) the xxx extends too much to the centre of the face, unlike the other side = assymetrical
12)) and last remark : drwaing a vertical yellow line yellow line from the top of the ead to the lips, the nose is still assymetrical, particularly at its end point, please check this carefully, giving shadows from the side left, and right, important for a nice face
Sorry, threw me away ... or I'll do this by email separately ....