Hello friends of flats,
here some ideas additional to the good article of Ed in Journal 118.
I agree with Ed. It´s a bad idea of illuminate flats in a diorama from the backside.
Some days ago I got a little Mignot-box (look at pictures). There is an illumination of natural light
from the sides, the front and above. The quality of the plastic looks cheap but the idea is good.
Yesterday I ordered an 4 mm acrylic glass cover 11x11x6 cm (the Mignot box has 11x11x5 cm).
The pieces of cartoon I´ll transfer into birch plywood. So it´ll be more solid.
I´ll create a small diorama for a test.
I think it´s a good alternative to the frames to present a few well painted or rare flats.
Maybe an idea for a Mini-Diorama Competition 201X
Best regards