Author Topic: Infantrie Legere SBS  (Read 6561 times)

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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2014, 11:13:48 AM »
Is that second one based on Mick Jagger!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

She was Jaggers Great, great, great, great grandmother who it is well know that she married and soldier from the 2nd Royal Dragoons (Scots Greys) around 1815, they both survived waterloo and live happily in Bournemouth until the mid 1840 :D         


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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2014, 10:59:25 AM »
They look good Brian! I know they're Austrian and British, but is there any more info on them? I'm painting them based on what I see in Bartek's illustrations, but I'd like to know what it is I'm looking at. Also, how do I get them when they're released? I still don't see them on the 2D site.

Nick, I hope not...  :o


Nicholas Ball

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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2014, 04:03:08 AM »
Is that second one based on Mick Jagger!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2014, 02:41:46 PM »
The next ones ;)


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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2014, 01:03:09 PM »
You are both welcome.

Dave, you are such a tease.

Standing by...



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2014, 06:27:40 AM »
Great article bit of a definative of how to paint using Acrylics.I am now implimenting techniques to my Jupiter Hussar and 2 ladies figure.
Again really good article,bye the way you will love the next two figures.I think they are much more interesting.Brian will post info on these later today.


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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2014, 05:21:10 PM »
Many thanks Glen ;)


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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2014, 05:17:59 PM »
Finished now. I've added a bit of red blush (a very thin Blood Red) to her cheeks stroked form the outside of the blushed area inward. That way, the heavier concentrations of color are applied in the center and feather out at the edges. A slightly pink (an equally thin Fire Red that is a bit lighter - and slightly pinker - than Blood Red) eye shadow was added to the upper eyelids brushing from the outer lid in toward the nose.

The highlights were bumped up on the nose (more on the nose tip), chin, the upper portions of the breasts, the left hip area, the left side of her belly, and the hands and thumbs (again, all as viewed).

I forgot to mention the base... I run across many flats that have some degree of a ground depiction, whether plants, dirt, or rock. Many, it seems, are a basic pour plug that also functions as a stand. This piece falls in the category of the latter. If nothing else, it makes it easier to paint. Go with black, match it to your background, or paint it 'something'. I painted the upper flange of the base a dark green (any will do), followed by a medium green applied in a series of vertical, near vertical, and sometimes crossing strokes. These extended form the top of the flange down in the flared section at the bottom. This was followed by a lighter green applied in a similar manner, but stroking from somewhere in the lower half of the flange and going upward off the edge. What you see is neatly cropped grass. It took about three minutes. The lower section was painted Basic Dirt, irregularly stroking from the grass downward, then Muddy Soil applied the same way but started raggedly along the bottom of the Basic Dirt. This way, everything has bit natural(ish) look to it - there are no straight lines in nature. Or, so I'm told...

That's it!. Hope you all enjoyed it.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2014, 04:16:03 PM »
Weapons now... The musket stock is Reaper's Shield Brown triad - overall Shield Brown with Woodstain Brown and Driftwood Brown for the shading and highlighting respectively. This is a very narrow strip of metal to paint, so I don't think it really needs more than that. The barrel was done in a similar manner using overall Shadowed Steel with a Honed Steel highlight. A thin strip of Adamantium Black was run along the bottom of the barrel right up against the wooden stock. The barrel bands are overall 1:1 Antique Gold and New Gold, with an Antique Gold shadow and a New Gold highlight. Easy. The musket sling is Leather White with a bit of Stone Gray added for the shadows and a bit of White added for the highlights. Straight Stone Gray was used for the gap between the upper and lower straps.

The sword and bayonet scabbards were painted like the shoes (see below). The chapes were painted like the musket barrel (see above). The sword hilt was painted like the musket barrel bands (see above again). I was trying to keep things simple. The sword grip is overall Oiled Leather with a Ruddy Leather shadow and an Oiled Leather lightened with a bit of Linen White highlight. In both cases, these were little more than a slightly-more-pigmented than-usual glaze. I just increased the layers for darker or lighter areas.

The last task was to bump the highlights on the uniform's jacket, vest, and pants. I used a glaze of Cyan Blue and White stroking from the edges of the first highlights to the center. Subsequent applications started a bit closer to the center and worked inward and lifting the brush in the center of the highlight. A quickie illustration is below.

Next: makeup and and final touchups.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2014, 12:04:36 PM »
Continuing with the uniform... The pants are an extension of the jacket and vest - same colors, same techniques, etc. See below.

On a side note, there are two buttons (raised dots) on the top of the pants. These are illustrated on Bartek's art, but are nearly the same color as the pants so they blend in. Not sure what color they're supposed to be. While mulling this over and letting my mind wander (dangerous), I started rethinking the button color on the vest. I interpreted this as white, but now I'm thinking maybe silver. Any thoughts?

The gaiters were painted Leather White with a touch of Stone Gray added for the shadows and moving to Pure White for the upper highlights. Easy. I almost missed the strap that goes under the rearmost boot. Watch for it.

The shoes are a base of Black and Stormy Gray mixed dark, but not completely black. This allows black itself to be used as a shadow color and still show a difference. More Stormy Gray was added to the base for the highlights.

Next: weapons and more highlights.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2014, 01:03:23 PM »
Now we're getting into the meat of the piece - the uniform and its details. I used the Brilliant Blue triad for the jacket and vest. I actually started with overall Ritterlich Blue (the darkest of the triad), added Black for the deepest shadows, then built up the lights with the Brilliant Blue, Cyan Blue, and White. Due to small scale, there wasn't much space to create bold transitions. When things got tight, I used a small pointed brush and dotted in the lights; almost like pointallism. The jacket and vest trim and buttons are Misty Gray. I didn't try to shade and highlight the trim after my first attempt. It seems that the transitions, visible up close and under magnification, pretty much disappeared under normal viewing at ten inches or so. Final lights later.

Bartek's art shows the epaulets to be a basic green and dark mauve. At least, that's how my eyes and color printer interpret it. I used a Pine Green, Muddy Olive, and Olive Green in various combinations to more-or-less match the green I was seeing. The 'mauve' trim was painted with a 1:1 mix of Dark Red and Stone Gray; lightening and darkening as needed.

The cross-belts are Leather White, with the Stone Gray and Weathered Stone (the lighter of the two) for shading and White for highlighting.

The Stone Gray triad was used for the blanket roll. I added some Black to the Shadowed Stone to deepen the space between the rolled edges. This was also used to shade some crinkles in the edges where the a tight fold might crease. The blanket roll strap are Leather White shaded and highlighted like the cross-belts.

The pack was painted using Basic Dirt Triad. The engraved pack differs a bit from the art, but it's easily figured out. There is a small area of the pack visible between the arm and torso. It's in deep shadow, so straight Muddy Soil sufficed. Everything else on the pack was the Dirt combo with a bit of Linen White added for the higher lights. The pack strap was painted Leather White.

The tin mug is Adamantium Black (a very handy metallic black), Shadowed Steel, and Honed Steel in various combos because that's what I have in my paint stock. Reaper makes two white metal(lic) triads; any one would suffice. The bottom of the mug, a sliver of the left edge, and a bit more of the right edge are the darkest areas of the mug. Everything else gets progressively light as it moves to slightly left of the center. Only small amounts of paint were used to avoid a pigment buildup.

I almost overlooked about the pendant - basic Black transitioning to Stormy Gray and Rainy Gray ending in and Antique Gold pendant with a New Gold highlight.

Next: Pants and footwear (exciting, I know...).

As always questions and comments are welcomed - no secrets here.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2014, 07:52:09 PM »
Moving on! I've painted the hat and the inside of the collar.

I started by painting what appears to be a gold ribbon over the face of the tricolor cocarde. This was simply a line of Antique Gold on the right and New Gold on the left. The cocarde was painted from the inside out using Pure White, Blood Red, White, True Blue, White, Blood Red, and then a thin band of White - all based on my interpretation of what I'm seeing on Bartek's painting. The plume was painted overall Misty Gray. The shaded part of the plume had the Misty Gray mixed with a small amount of Cloudy Gray while the highlighted area was dotted with some Pure White. Bartek's art shows what may be a white and gray plume while some internet pics show a white and green plume. I opted to keep it simple, but I can always repaint it if someone has some better information.

The hat is basically a dark gray with black for the shading and a slightly lighter gray for the highlights. The hat is a slightly different shape/design from the Bartek's painting, but you can easily work around it.

I'm interpreting Bartek's art as having a dark red inside collar with white edging. I went with the Deep Red triad starting with the darker Red Brick color inside and working out to the lighter Bood Red on the outside. A touch of Phoenix Red was used for the outermost light. These are the same colors used on lips. Harmony, y'know...

If nothing else, between the eyes, lips, and cockarde, I think I've been able to up my game a bit. 3+ X reading glasses have helped.

Next: Coat, pack, and delicate wisps of Blonde hair.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2014, 07:26:26 PM »
Thanks Joerg! I'll look into them.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2014, 07:39:29 AM »
and the face is very well done with even features and actual eyes, cheek bones, and lips. This is very different from the three 30mm pieces I've painted where facial features seem to be little more than little bumps and lines. Or, maybe I've been painting the wrong figures...

@Glen, I recommend obtaining Mohr figures or Otto figures.
They at least have really faces  ;)
Liquorice, sire, is not the least important of our benefits out of the dark heart of Arabia.



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Re: Infantrie Legere SBS
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 11:29:04 AM »
I took the piece being a pre-production cast into account, Brian. Just didn't know if I was allowed to mention my getting them. But since the cat's out of the bag... ;)