International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society
Flat Figures Painters Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hannibal on November 05, 2024, 05:03:54 AM
A ongoing silence on the site since more than one week .............................
Perhaps the US elections have paralyzed all anglo-saxons on the planet ?
What is sure is that flat painting there is stopped for a while ... hoping the results there will not take weeks and weeks like four years ago.
In France and in Belgium (and in Holland before), it takes months to form a government.
Is this the end of democracy??
I am not painting either, just handling '00 of pictures for the gallery of Kulmbach show, still ongoing....
Jean-Paul is a survivor;..
Hi Michel,many thanks for your engagement about the Kulmbach Gallery. It`s WIP at the moment but very impressive. Keep on.
some 330+ more pictures to come ...
Very much appreciated
Your hard work is greatly appreciated. Great photos.
Ho! Ho !!
It looks like most of the members of the Committee, and even members have deserted this forum since two weeks...
What is happening !
Donald on command is such a disaster?
Covid re-activation?
On strike?
Change of hobby?
Delegated your role to A.I. ? (but forgot to activate it)
Sold out all of your flats at Kulmbach?
On my side, preparing return home for visit to Sèvres (Paris) in two weeks....
Who is still painting a flat these days? I started katana fighters in 30mm.....
and still busy with Kulmbach gallery....
Still painting but just alone!
One is England ... me here, and Jean-Paul in France ... this is a catastrophic ... deflation!
We need the help of Ralph in Germany, Angelo & Claudio in Italy! and some more...
Hi friends, I'm here! I'm getting ready for the 2025 appointments and some small health problems are holding me back. As soon as I'm ready, I'll post some pictures! Don't worry, I'm always following. ;) 8)
Well problem is - there is only work in progress, but nearly no results.
Currently I am working at the promo-painting for my new series "Breakfast with dud bomb" in 45mm,
a story from the German-French War 1870.
(and at a number of other topics, but all unfinished...)
Hi friends !!
Thanks for your sign of life, I was scared of your silence!!!
But Joerg, I have the same disease, I started several tasks since two years, not finishing anyone too. Today at the dawn of 2025, I have no more flats finished for competitions in 2025, so the pressure is there.
Let's us all publish some of our WIP'sto re-activate the site, visited by many other people, but who might not come back is we are all absent.
Angelo, sorry to hear your health issue and let me wish you before 31 of December a restoration of your energy in your passion .. I am close to publish your detailed pictures of Kulmbach this week and next week .... We are hungry for more next year, you last posted on Facebook is outstanding !!!!!
Thanks for your responses, let's go on further and attract more passionnates! Christmas holidays are releasing time for painting for those who are still on a job, and should wake up the retired fellows spending more of theur time to internat than with their brushes and paints....
thanks my friend ! ;) :)
Hello friends,
thanks for the encouragement.
Since I cannot post it in my workbench, I will try it here.
First picture - some Prussian and Danish figures for teh war of 1864 (and a Austrian Hussar)
Second picture - German writer Theodor Fontane trying to have breakfast in France 1870 (my new series)
Third picture - a couple of German (correct -Saxon) cavalry for the battle at the river Lech 955.
Thanks Joerg !! still alive ...
I am showing here a German handgunner from B&S (Bähr und Schmidtchen), no I.D. visible on the base.
He is painted on one side.
Very interesting subject--Saxons at river Lech--do not see that every day. Very nice paint work.
Very interesting subject--Saxons at river Lech--do not see that every day. Very nice paint work.
It was a battle faught by King Otto 1st (and his men) against the Hungarians.
His brother Ulrich, a bishop of Augsburg, led the defence of the town (Ulrich is the guy in the green cloak).
The whole topic is on display with three big dioramas in the vicinity of Augsburg
The dioramas were made by Martin Sauter, a collector and editor, who -sadly- passed away last year.
He developed a whole big series of German and Hungarian warriors and built the dioramas.
And since the King Otto is buried in my hometown it was -sooner or later- a must for me to paint him.
By now he is not visible in my display.
Fantastic diorama!! so impressive...
Appreciate the details and links! Very nice
Further remark:
If you are keen to know, what happened and why, I clearly can recommend to listen here (in English)
Thank you Joerg, I have seen several times flats related to this battle of Lechfeld, without understanding the background, and because it occurred before the first crusades, my typical starting point of the middle age ..
Now it gives me a clearer understanding and perhaps the tempation fo paint any character I might have in my grey army, or get some when opportunity shall occur.
I had the same attitude with the battle of Woerringen till I was briefed by U. Lehnart and I acquired the serie, still for painting , in Turkey ...
Thank you therefore, and perhaps other chapters of this link are as interessant as this one , to be looked in a second step... Good for my general historical culture !!
Ulrich Lehnhard edited fantastic figures for the battle of Nicopolis 1396.
In chapter 168 you can listen, how it came to this battle,
smashing the European Knighthood.
I shall have a look too!!!
Was in Francd for one week, now back home.... and to painting in three days....
From the short tour at the Sèvres competition in France, here are my two favorite pieces.
Clever framing and pulled off expertly