International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society
Flat Figures Painters Forum => Shows => Topic started by: Ed Humphreys on May 03, 2024, 07:38:24 AM
We've had confirmation of our table in Kulmbach. we are at D1
Ed H
Great, ;D ;D ;D ;D
See you all there ;)
GREAT NEWS !!!! ;)
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
Who will be in Kulmbach this year ?
I shall be there, from 8th of August...
I'll be there, no trade table for 2D Figurines so if you need anything lot me know and I'll bring it with us
Still got a few Alice sets as well as the Charge of the light brigade figures plus the 2D range ;)
[size=78%] [/size]
Take care the actual seller's and distributor's list.
You find my tables in A6.
I'm happy to meet many friends!!
BG Christian
Is there a layout available yet?
John R
Of course we'll be there too. We'll have many of the former Droste figures from the Thirty Years' War with us. But we've also thought of our friends from the American Civil War. We're looking forward to seeing you. I hope you'll make the tent burst...🤣🤣🤣
For the first time ... :)
Hello Jean-Paul.
Welcome to the Pilgrims Club.
You will participate in a memorable event and the first time you will leave the place completely dazed.
@ Richard I agree, the first visit is overwhelming
@ Jean- Paul and remember to have enough empty boxes ;)
I once heard someone describing his first visit as being similar to the feeling a nun gets upon entering Heaven.
Ed H
I'll be on D2
I'll be on Cloud 9
I'll be there too. My 15-th Kulmbach.
Great reply Ed, a laugh out loud
Hello everyone, Attached is the current occupancy plan for the Zinnfiguren-Börse in Kulmbach, August 9-11, 2024, with the kind permission of KLIO. Please note that there are still places available, i.e. if you would like to apply as an editor at short notice, please contact Ms. Schipkowski: Tel.: 09221 94 05 72
LG Christianörsen/2024-kulmbach/ (
The PDF can also be downloaded directly here!
Or on: (
Anything seems wrong on the dining table - no meal - only Figures ??
First try at home - most of the other stuff must go under the table -
If you are connected to Facebook, I created gallery on Kulmbach in the group "les amis du Briquet" . If not for those who are not hard on social networks, I have created a gallery here (
There is also some picture from Plassemburg Castle Museum : Display Mike Taylor and other
Thanks very much for posting a non-Facebook grouping of these great photos from Kulmbach. Much appreciated by those of us not on social media.Pj
Great stuff, thank you for sharing!
Just back from another great weekend at Kulmbach, the 2 and a half days just flew past!!
Once again brought to many figures, drank too much beer and laughed a lot
Talked to lots of old and new friends and got invites to more weekends away
Big well done to our Nick Ball and Trevor Morgan who come away with gold from the comp.
Will have to take a few days to recover then in two years it all starts again
Some pictures of us who were in Kulmbach this time. Photo 1 Brian Keywood and Pilippe Bélie, 2. Erich Talmant and Richard Weissbrod, 3. Erich Grootens and Christoph Warth, 4. Gianpalo Bistulfi, 5. Bernhard Bakat and 6. Magdalena and Bernt Grimm.
Added to the BFFS display case. In 2 years time, a larger case will be available, as well as smaller cases for individuals.
Greetings to all the new and old friends I met in Kulmbach! It was a fantastic weekend! ;) ;D
They are absolutely fantastic !!!!
I admire the details taken at Kulmbach by others .....
My regrets is not to have seen them with my eyes !!
Respect, my dear !!
I regret that all our recent project has not been exhibited (Agincourt ?)... a pity because there are few opportunities to do so.
Wonderful photos of great work, thanks for sharing.
"Nick Ball and Trevor Morgan who come away with gold" and only just found out that our John Russell came away with silver! and first time in the masters so good on ya my old mate :)
"Nick Ball and Trevor Morgan who come away with gold" and only just found out that our John Russell came away with silver! and first time in the masters so good on ya my old mate :)
CONGRATS to all three!