International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society
Flat Figures Collectors Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: rm on February 07, 2024, 06:03:14 AM
I have several of his (?) pieces, and they are among my favorites.
I searched the Journal index for articles on him (or that may mention him) but found none.
Google searches have proved fruitless.
I know his molds were in the hands of Martin Sauter before his passing and that Alexander Wilken has arranged to produce castings from them going forward.
I’d like to learn more about Wengleski himself.
I am assuming he must have predated Mr. Sauter since the latter acquired his molds. This interests me because his pieces range from (approximately) 54mm to 120mm in height, which I understand is not typical of flats of that era.
Does anyone know:
- Was this gentleman an editor, engraver, or both?
- Born/died?
- Nationality, where he worked/resided etc.?
- Anything else?
Many thanks.
I’ve few informations about mr Hans Heinz Wenglewski.
He was owner of a privatenoffizin “Malerischen Zinn” I n Munich, untill half ‘70.
Ha was president of an association “ Münchener SammlerKreises e V”
As i know he is just the owner of the moulds, engraved by Lecke and Grünewald on Lehnart drawings. I’m not sure but some zeichnung were drew by Gerhard Rau.
For more info perhaps you can ask on Klio forum, too.
I’ve few informations about mr Hans Heinz Wenglewski.
He was owner of a privatenoffizin “Malerischen Zinn” I n Munich, untill half ‘70.
Ha was president of an association “ Münchener SammlerKreises e V”
As i know he is just the owner of the moulds, engraved by Lecke and Grünewald on Lehnart drawings. I’m not sure but some zeichnung were drew by Gerhard Rau.
For more info perhaps you can ask on Klio forum, too.
Hi, Claudio…
Thank you for this. It is much appreciated. :)