International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society

Flat Figures Painters Forum => Figure Identification/Search => Topic started by: marko on December 28, 2020, 11:48:05 AM

Title: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: marko on December 28, 2020, 11:48:05 AM
Curious to know if anyone knows who currently owns the Maier 30mm catalog and how they are ordered?  I am particularly interested in three areas:

Mario Benini shows a wonderful rendition of these figures on his site:


As Mike Taylor illustrated they are beautiful figures:

And in a departure some Medieval Jousting tourneys with spectators:

I have the bulk of the jousting figures but, have always wanted to add spectators.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

mark  8)
Title: Re: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: kroi on December 28, 2020, 02:06:27 PM
The new owner is Leonie Anderer, Aurachtal, A relative, perhaps, as there is a Dr. Anderer with the same adress as Maier formerly (Steinstr. 8, 91096 Aurachtal, according to phone-book. No e-mail given).
They were at Kulmbach in 2019, the mould are still kept together obviously.
Title: Re: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: tinman on December 28, 2020, 02:49:52 PM
The last email address I have is:

Sent Leonie an email. It may take her a few months to process your order, but it is worth the wait. The "Loy" figures are the finest.
Title: Re: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: marko on December 28, 2020, 04:20:56 PM
Thank you for the information, I will try writing her.  I do have a few Maier figures now and I agree they are wonderful engravings and look forward to seeing the figures in person.

mark  8)
Title: Re: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: archigrog on December 29, 2020, 12:42:46 AM
Hi Marko,

i bought recently some flats from Dr. Wolfgang Anderer, kind and rapid...

Some figures are really pieces of flat history!

Title: Re: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: plyoung on December 29, 2020, 05:43:55 AM
Dear Mark,
If my German is correct Leonie Borgmann is the grand-daiughter of Tilo and Liselotte Maier.  Unfortunately, I can't remember if Tilo is the brother of Sixtus Maier or his son.  However, I have bought Maier figures from Leonie at Kulmbach and through the post via

Leonie speaks English perfectly and the family are very kind and helpful.

Best wishes,
Peter oo~
Title: Re: Maier 30 mm Figures
Post by: marko on December 29, 2020, 10:59:37 AM
Thank you all for the helpful information, as usual all answers are here!

I also heard from Neckel, their figures of Aztecs are still available and just purchased the Gottstein Aztecs - now Leipzig Collectors Society produced - and a nice set of Mayan soldiers from Behring via Berliner Zinnfiguren. 
Expect some articles in the Journal!

This is a colorful and fascinating period of history I have not payed much attention to but, flat editors have.  There is a nice selection of the warriors and peoples of the period.

Thanks again all.

Mark  8)