International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society
Flat Figures Painters Forum => Figure Identification/Search => Topic started by: Ed Humphreys on July 19, 2017, 05:50:09 AM
Many years ago, when I was running the bulk ordering scheme, I came across a large scale (possibly 90mm) Dance of Death (Totentanz) set by, I believe, Frau Marleen Worbs of Luebeck. It depicts a series of worthy citizens, each dancing with a Death figure, as a reminder of their fate. I have always regretted not buying a set. Does anyone know if they are still available?
Journal 36 gives some details.
Hi Ed,
the figures are unfortunately no longer available. The moulds were sold by Marleen Worbs several years ago. The new owner is not
interested to cast and sell these figures. Not only the Dance of Death, also the Menzel Army of Frederick the Great, Lübecker
Bürgermilitär, the beautiful Civilians.......are resting in the cellar of the new owner.
Maybe you are lucky to get some second hand in Kulmbach....