International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society
Flat Figures Painters Forum => News => Topic started by: Brian on March 21, 2015, 07:22:35 AM
2D still seems to be selling flats so a little update.
The BFFS Robin Hood figure is selling well and you know what we're running out again!!
The pinups, Joerg is doing good with these and it's seems to be that one has taken the fancy of many ;D
Bikes are also up on sales and I have had to restock all three, fourth is also in the middle of being engraved so should be available soon.
Chris's Le Retour have had to have it's second casting session as selling well.
Heather has not sold!! so waiting to show her of at the shows.
In the pipe line we have a special figure for 30 years of Euro Militaire and Waterloo, more pinups in 45mm and maybe a new aircraft.
Will also be selling second-hand figures with some of those hard to get figures, Mike Taylor's old unpainted will be for sale soon.
Just one more thing remember we are not a big business, just part of the BFFS trying to help and sometimes mistakes are made.
Still not made any money yet but that's not what we started for ;)
Some of the new and old figures from 2D Figurines, hope you like them ;)
Plus the next bike figure which is being engraved ;)
Can't wait for the third bike !
Can't wait for the third bike !
Me too! ;)
Will it be ready for Kulmbach?