International Flat Figure Society - British Flat Figure Society
Flat Figures Painters Forum => Figure Identification/Search => Topic started by: snagy on October 07, 2014, 05:47:18 AM
recently I purchased the below set of Wallenstein Reise nach Eger of Wagner.
It would be good to get some painting scheme - first of all for the palanquin.
So if anybody has a picture about the painted set - or information of any source - then please kindly share it with me.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards:
The pic was a bit small - here is "one size larger" ;D :
Best regards and thank you for the help:
Hallo Sandor,
there are nice pictures in the book "Miniaturen Teil 3" Edition Krannich. Look at
There are colored drawings of 30 mm flats with Wallenstein and his soldiers, too.
My "Wallensteins Reise nach Eger" is waiting for colors in a box.
Maier has a good backround with the city of Eger in the 30-years war.
I visited some years ago the museum in Eger where Wallenstein was killed.
Best regards
Hallo Sandor,
Be carefull, it´s Liselotte Maier in Aurachtal with the backround of Eger and not the Maier with the 54 mm flats.
Best regards
Thank you for the information, Michael. :D
Best regards: